Marigold (genus Tagetes) is about several variety of flower by colour, shape and many other aspects.
Marigold petals are native to southwestern north USA tropical USA and south USA but it found most of the parts of world.
Marigold have many attractive types of flower and it found in many attractive color of orange marigold, yellow marigold, red marigold.
Marigold petals use in food decoration, foods color, medicinal use and making herbal teas.
Orange marigold haves several health benefits like it is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungicide effects.
Spice villa export supply high quality orange marigold petals to domestic and international clients.
Spice villa export supply orange marigold petals in small quantity to bulk quantity and it shipped by air, road and sea ways.
For further information about orange marigold please contact spice villa export.
(+91 7984262672)